Psalms 33:3

Sing unto 'Him' a new song;

Play Skillfully... with a Loud Noise.

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And 'AGAIN' when... 'He' bringeth in the 'Firstbegotten' into the World.
He saith, "And let all the Angels of God worship...'Him'.

Matthew 24:36

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the Angels of Heaven,

but... my Father only.

                                                                               Psalm33:3 (King David)                                         

                        Sing unto 'Him'a 'New Song'.

                            Play 'SKILLFULLY'..... with a 'LOUD NOISE'.  



March​ Fourth 1985 (Pisces)


​(Child of God)

'Who'... is Blind, but... My Servant?
Or Deaf... as My Messenger that I sent?
'Who'..... is as Blind as 'He' that is Perfect?
And Blind... as the Lord's Servant?

And being made Perfect... 
He became the Author of Eternal Salvation 
unto all them that obey 'Him'.

And He said unto them..."Go ye...and tell that 
Behold... I cast out Devils, and I do cures... today... tomorrow...
and the third day... I shall be Perfected."

The Faithful and True Witnesses. 
The 'Beginning' of the 'Creation' of 'God'.


Here is Wisdom...
 Let 'Him' that hath 'Understanding'... count the number of the Beast.
For it is the number of a man. And 'his ' number is...
six hundred threescore and six.

6+6+6=  18​ =9

F  O  X      R  = I

A(1) B(2) C(3) D(4) E(5) F(6) G(7) H(8) I(9) J(10,1) K(11,2) L(12,3)

M(13,4) N(14,5) O(15,6) P(16,7) Q(17,8) R(18,9) S(19,10,1) T(20,2) U(21,3)

V(22,4) W(23,5) X(24,6) Y(25,7) Z(26,8)

"Building the Perfect Beast" by Don Henely

"The Power of Reason... the top of the heap.
We're the ones who kill the things we don't eat.
Sharper than a Serpents tongue... tighter than a bongo drum.
Quicker than a one night stand... slicker than a mambo band.
And now the Day is come... soon 'He' will be released.
Glory Hallelujah...! We're building the Perfect Beast!

It's Olympus this time...POOlympus or bust.
For we have met the enemy... and He is us.
And now the Day is come... soon 'He' will be released.
Glory Hallelujah! We're Building the Perfect Beast!

Ever since we crawled out of the ocean... and stood upright on land.
There are some things that We just don't Understand.
Relieve all pain and suffering... and lift Us out of the dark.
Turn Us all into Methuselah.... but where are We gonna park?

The Secrets of Eternity... we've found the lock... and turned the key.
We're shakin' up those building blocks.
Going deeper into that box......(Pandora wouldn't like it....)
And now the Day is come... soon 'He' will be released.
Glory Hallelujah...! We're building the Perfect Beast!

All the way to Malibu... from the Land of the Talking Drum.
Just look how far... look how far... We've come."

(Jesus said to his Apostles)

"Marvel not that I said unto thee... 'Ye' MUST be born AGAIN.(reincarnated)


Being Born AGAIN(reincarnated)... not of corruptible seed... but incorruptible.

         Godlike Ones of the Lofty Elim of Knowledge 

Rock n Roll Him Book

Then He said... "To what shall we 'liken' the Kingdom of God?
Or with what 'Parable' shall we 'Picture' it?

He set singers before the altar...that by

their Voices they might make sweet melody.
And daily sing praises in their songs.